Online Course : IELTS Grammar
Our grammar course is designed to break down the learning task into manageable elements. In this first course we provide the grammar training required to achieve a high level IELTS score.
It is broken down into the following topic headings:
Developing the Grammar skills needed to excel in the IELTS Examination
Lesson Topics:
Adjective Order
Causative Verbs
Conditional Sentences
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Dependent Preposition Exercises
Dependent Prepositions, with Verbs, Adjectives and Nouns
Direct and Indirect Questions
Future Simple Tense (Will and Be Going to)
Gerunds and Infinitives
Grammar: Test your Grammar Level for IELTS
Irregular Verbs List
Making Uncountable Nouns Countable
Modal Verbs (Modal Auxiliary Verbs)
Participle Clauses
Parts of Speech
Passive Voice
Past Continuous Tense
Past Perfect and Continuous
Past Simple
Present Continuous for Future
The Present Continuous can also be used for something that you are doing now
Present Perfect Simple
Tag Questions
Relative Clauses – Defining and Non-Defining
Reported Speech
Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences
So and Such (For Emphasis)
Superlative Adjectives
The Subjunctive
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Definite/indefinite Articles
Word Order and Verb Patterns
Words: Their Origin
The format is delivered in a combination of formats, including reading material, grammar quizzes, and video delivery of lessons. The programme includes 6 teaching videos and a series of sets, which total over 300 grammar questions.
If you are engaged in a recruitment process with LTS ask your usual contact about how you may access the online Grammar Course.